Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 18 - Anticipate a Need

Friends of mine were once missionaries with an organization based out of Holland. I remember them telling me how when the community gathered around the supper table, all the members stayed alert to those around them, so offer them the pitcher of water or a second helping of food, or to pass the salt or butter. It was considered bad form to NOT be alert, so that someone had to ask, "please pass the water." Far better to notice their glass was getting low and anticipate their need - offering before they even had to ask.

I've always remembered that story and wondered how I could learn to be more attuned to the needs of those around me - so they don't even need to ask.

Today, let's try to anticipate some needs. Do you know your child needs some quiet nurturing when they get home from school? Can you prepare a favorite book and her dearest stuffed animal and offer her a storytime when she gets home? Does your husband love iced tea? Can you pour a glass for him and have it ready when he comes in the door? Do you know a coworker gets hungry at 3:00 pm each day? Could you bring a snack to share?

See if you can anticipate a need today - and offer a kindness before the person you are offering it to even realizes they would like it.

Sharon Hinck

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