Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Day 10 - Get Your Hands Dirty

In my pre-September warm-up posts, I shared about my daughter picking up litter in a movie theatre parking lot, and the story of the nun at a retreat who wiped up the bathroom to leave it nicer than the way she found it.

I think that perhaps because of being a homemaker for so many years, and the inevitable extra "clean up after others" work that goes along with that, it's easy for me to tune out when I hear that gentle nudge. After all, I have spent years picking up for others.

But no matter how many of our daily chores revolve around leaving a space better than how we found it, we can still reach out and do a little something extra. Will it be noticed? Perhaps not! But that's part of the fun.

Go for a walk today and pick up some litter. Or tidy the breakroom at work (when no one is around to notice who did it). Or vacuum your spouses car and shake out the floor mats.

Or share some other ideas you have!



Rel said...

Hey Shazza,

This weekend we will have two extra girls in the house! My dear friend's father who lives interstate has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. While she and her husband take their 3 sons to see their sick Pa we are having their daughters who are 15 and 2! It's going to be fun. It is a privilege to help our friends in this way :)

Sharon Hinck said...

Oh, Rel, I'm so sorry about your friend's father, but how wonderful to open your home, so the family has one less stress on them as they travel and visit.

You are such a blessing!