Saturday, September 13, 2008

Day 13 - Behind the Back

We all know the horrible feeling of finding out someone has said something mean about us behind our back.

But there is an equally powerful joy in learning someone shared a kind report about us to others.

I recently attended the International Christian Retail Show - an exhausting experience. One day, I got a call. A store manager had stopped by my publisher's booth and raved about my books. They told him I was at the conference, and called me to arrange for me to meet him. I was so encouraged by his enthusiasm. But it also felt amazing to think of someone "talking behind my back" in such a terrific way. He made me look good to my publishers.

In Stepping Into Sunlight, Penny tells a store manager about a clerk that has done a terrific job. The manager and clerk are both startled, but it makes the clerk's day, and raises her in the eyes of her rather cranky manager.

It's so much easier to whine and complain about people. I confess I slip into it far too often. But I've been concentrating on finding opportunities to genuinely talk up someone I like or admire behind his or her back. They may never find out, but it does raise their esteem. And if they do hear about it, it just might make their day.

Can you think of someone you could speak well of behind their back?
We've discussed the power of a kind word, but let's try the power of a covert kind word and see what happens. :-)

When I first shared this topic while we were just getting this blog started, several people shared how they make a point to tell a manager when a waiter or waitress has done a great job. That's another great way to bless someone with words of kindness.

Feel free to share your stories here.

Sharon Hinck


Kat said...

I did this recently, and you're right -- what a difference it makes. I received exceptional customer service from a man named Mark and not only did I blog about him (, but I emailed the customer service (passing along the blog post) where he worked to let them know, and make sure Mark and his supervisor both knew how much I appreciated what he had done. Mark sent me a thank you email back, to tell me how it made his day that I not only thought something nice, but spread the word "behind his back." Little gesture, big impact.

Keep up the great work, Penny!

Sharon Hinck said...

I LOVE the idea of blogging about someone who blessed you with his or her excellent service!

And of course, contacting their supervisor.

I never thought of emailing the customer service for the company...that's an easier way for me (I tend to be shy about asking for a manager, even if I'd love to rave about someone). What a super idea!